Risanto Mulyo

Seorang pelajar Hubungan Internasional di Universitas Padjajaran yang selalu haus akan ilmu-ilmu baru. Tertarik akan sejarah, filsafat, politik, kebudayaan, serta isu-isu kontemporer. Baru-baru ini aktif menulis di blog pribadi: omnishambolic.wordpress.com dan dapat dihubungi melalui alamat surel risanto_mulyo@hotmail.com

Women on Top

Me and my close friend once stumbled into a serious talk about feminism, which escalated into a debate. Thankfully, a civil one. It started from a simple question, “Can a female be a good leader?”. He argued that “no, they can’t” because of their inherent limited capacity, that they tend …

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