The Rio Declaration and Call to Action that was launched at the end of the First Global Symposium in Rio de Janeiro in 2009, emphasized the importance of involving men in efforts to achieve gender justice in all areas of human rights and development. Meanwhile, the Second Global Symposium in New Delhi in 2014 highlighted the central position of patriarchy in the global system of oppression. The Delhi Declaration also emphasized the importance of intersectional analysis in looking at the problem of injustice. The results of these two symposiums provide direction for global activism to engage men in the efforts to fulfill women’s rights, sexual reproductive health, and rights and to achieve gender justice for all.
At the regional level of East and Southeast Asia, the idea of the importance of involving men and boys in the struggle to achieve gender justice rose in the late 1990s. This is indicated by the emergence of various national men networks in the region such as MOVE in the Philippines, Cambodian Men Network in Cambodia, AMKV in East Timor, and the New Men’s Alliance in Indonesia. These male networks aim to transform patriarchal masculinity as part of the efforts to achieve gender justice for all. Along with the emergence of the men’s networks, programs targeting men as an integral part of gender-based violence elimination programs have also emerged in the region. These programs are run by some women’s organizations.
Regional level events discussing the importance of male involvement also emerged in the early 2000s. Such as the Regional Conference on Men as Partners in the Elimination of Violence against Women in 2007 in Bangkok. This conference invited delegations from various countries in East and Southeast Asia. The country delegations consist of government officers, activists of civil society organizations, practitioners, and scholars. This regional conference allowed participants to share experiences and exchange ideas on the efforts of involving men to dismantle violence against women in Southeast Asia.
These regional fora did not only provide a space for sharing experiences but also became a place to build regional solidarity and formulate a common framework and platform for regional level activism. As result, a regional learning network was established that was called Regional Learning Community (RLC) for Transforming Masculinities to Promote Gender Justice in East and Southeast Asia. The RLC members comprised of practitioners, activists, and advocates working to address gender-based violence and promote gender justice in East and Southeast Asia. The RLC developed a collective learning process, and a curriculum to guide the collective learning process for its members. The curriculum has become an important reference for the activism of the members in the region.
Along with the social and political dynamics and the emergence of new generations of activists who speak out for democracy and demands for social justice for all, it is important to examine the current situation and the dynamics of contemporary activism related to the transformation of patriarchal masculinity in East and Southeast Asia. Besides, it is also important to discuss future activism and to examine the importance of solidarity among activists in the region to build a more equitable and just society in East and Southeast Asia.
Taking into account the above background and as part of regional participation for the 3rd MenEngage Global Symposium (Ubuntu Symposium), a Regional Webinar is planned.
Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection Indonesia in-collaboration with Aliansi Laki-Laki Baru, UNFPA Indonesia and CSO (Yayasan Pulih, Rifka Annisa, CIS Timor, WCC Bengkulu, PKBI Kepri, Gema Alam) will organized a Regional Webinar with the theme is “Transforming Patriarchal Masculinity in East and Southeast Asia: Learning From The Past For Future Activism.” The Regional Webinar will be conducted on 19 November 2020.
Speakers and Topics
- Indra Gunawan, S.K.M., M.A. – Deputy of Community Participation, Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia – “Indonesian Government Policy of working with men and boys to transform patriarchal Masculinity for Gender Justice”
- Hoang Tu Anh (Center for Creative Initiatives in Health and Population Vietnam) – “Transforming patriarchal Masculinity for Gender Justice in Vietnam”
- Khamsavath Chanthavysouk (UNWomen) – “Transforming patriarchal Masculinity in Laos”
- Margianta S.J.D. (Youth Advisory Panel UNFPA) – “Engaging Young Boys to Transform Patriarchal Masculinities in Indonesia”
- Undarya Tumursukh (Regional Gender Equality Advisor-Asia, International Rescue Committee, Mongolia Feminist Network ) – “Feminist Perspective on Transforming Patriarchal Masculinity for Gender Justice in East and South East Asia”.
- Moderator: Farid Muttaqin
Date and time: 19 November 2020, 09.00 – 12.00 (Jakarta Time – UTC/GMT +7 hours)
Luar biasa….saya bisa belajar dari negara dan pakar mengenai pelibatan laki2….
This is very important becauae we cannot ctmreate equality between men and women if the men are not taught to accept women as equal with them.