Training Manual On Masculinities and Engaging Men to End GBV – FEMNET

Many women face violence at different times of their lives in both private and public spheres. Regrettably, men are the major perpetrators of the violence.
The Men to Men approach is based on the premise that, like women and other interest groups, men are able to come together and  pursue issues of mutual interest including ending GBV. Although men have been identified as the major perpetrators of GBV, not all men violate women and girls. In fact, in their various capacities, men have a role to play in preventing and combating GBV. The starting point for doing this is to reach out to other men to convince them that GBV is an affront to masculinity and manhood.
Thus the approach is a systematic process of empowering men to reach out to other men to combat GBV. It is rooted on the assumption that men are more willing to listen to fellow men on issues of gender equality. The principle revolves around the use of peerage (sex, age, profession, neighbourhood, vocation etc) to tackle issues of common interest.
The approach proceeds from the understanding that GBV is a complex and wide-ranging issue that is embedded in culture, economy, law, history, politics and other structural sites. All these factors act to construct ideas and manifestations of masculinity and femininity that can either promote or discourage GBV. In order to comprehensively tackle the vice, men must be involved in prevention of GBV, raising awareness about it, changing social norms, modelling positive behaviour and Assisting victims and survivors of GBV. For them to do this, they must first change at the personal and family level before they can influence their communities and societies.
Combating GBV is therefore as much about deconstructing masculinity as it is about women’s empowerment.
Please Download Training Manual On Masculinities and Engaging Men to End GBV – FEMNET (PDF File -English)

About Redaksi ALB

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