This research aimed to explore men’s experiences after completing counselling program for perpetrators of domestic violence in Indonesia. The project explored how male clients reconstructed an alternative identity and meaning, and how this affected the reduction of their violent actions and changing their abusive attitudes towards their wives. The research project was conducted through qualitative method using lines of enquiry informed by the paradigm of narrative therapy. Five participants agreed to participate in this research, including one husband whose wife declined to participate due to safety reason and 2 couples of wives and husbands who have completed the counselling sessions at Rifka Annisa Women’s Crisis Centre. Two wives joining the interview asserted that their husbands committing emotional violence, including verbal aggression and neglect showed changes and became more respectful and less aggressive. Restoring relationships and family harmony were the main motivation for their change as family and relationship are two integral parts of men’s honour in Javanese society. However, the issues of clients’ ambivalence appeared. The counselling process tended to focus on encouraging the participants to change their behaviours and placed little emphasis on exploring and deconstructing the effects of dominant discourse of being a man in their lives.
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